Monday, May 12, 2008


Well, here goes nothing! (quote: star wars Ep 6- Lando Calrusian-upon entering the 2nd death star in a mission to liberate the galaxy from the tyranical clutches of the emporer)

I have started a blog... I dont suppose Im out to liberate anything like the rebels of Star Wars... Previously Ive been weary of the "Bloging World" because I consistently seem to hear terrible stories in which emotionally intimate things are shared in dettached ways (void of relationship), and people become closed off to the immediate & 'still real' concerns of family, friends, and their corner of the world.

Thats not my goal.

Even though I am content to be an introvert sometimes, I ask my community of friends that read this blog to allow these thoughts to be spoken of in organic, arenas. not just in computer land. Im not looking for compartmentalization. I want a genuine expression of thoughts that will lend themselves towards continuity and integrity in my life. So , for those of you that are able, feel free to talk to me about my posts in places where body language and vocal inflection matter....nough said.

Thank you in advance.

Besides, I ought to get more comfortable with writing since grad school at Wheaton is in my near future. Ive never been much of a journaler, but I'm a person who feels quite a bit and has (in my approximation) a bad memory. I've never stopped to really document where I am (i.e. joys, struggles, ideas, perceptions) to compare it to where I will be. Since my wife and I are in a Major life transition, I think the journey from here to there will be substantial in the coming years of our lives.

SO..... heres to "there" , wherever that may be, and here's to the cataloging of a journey. Maybe you'll find experiences in my journey that are relevant to your journey.

Perhaps I will stay as faithful to writing as I am to eating. (no promises)

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